Quantum Computing Technology Group

Welcome to our group website! We are based at the High Energy Physics Institute (IFAE) in Barcelona where we work on quantum computing with superconducting qubits. Our team is led by Dr. Pol Forn-Díaz.


Congratulations Ariadna Gómez del Pulgar Martínez!

On Monday 2nd of September, Ariadna sucessfully defended her Master Thesis titled “Characterization of nitridized aluminum for …

Elia Bertoldo presents at RISQ 2024 (Fermilab)

Elia Bertoldo attended the first edition of the workshop “Radiation Impact on Superconducting Qubits” (RISQ 2024) hosted at …

Luca Cozzolino and Alba Torras-Coloma participated in Bojos per la Física

Bojos per la Física is an outreach activity for last-year high school students. These activities are organized on Saturday morning and …

Luca Cozzolino and Alba Torras-Coloma present at the March Meeting 2024

Luca, Alba, David and Pol traveled to Minneapolis for this year’s edition of the March Meeting. Luca Cozzolino presented in the …

New publication on Nitridized Aluminum thin films

In this paper, the authors from the QCT group Alba Torras-Coloma, Elia Bertoldo, David López-Núñez and Pol Forn-Díaz present …

Elia presented at Pizza seminar organized by the UAB Physics students association

Elia gave the presentation entitled “Superconducting Qubits: state of the art, current limitations and future challenges” …

Luca Cozzolino presented at the INQA conference held in Innsbruck, Austria

Luca presented at the INQA Conference 2023: New Platforms and Algorithms. The conference was held in Innsbruck, Austria between the 6th …

New publication on Surface Acoustic Wave Filters for Superconducting Qubits

Pol Forn-Diaz is author of a new publication focused on the opportunity to use acoustic wave filters as a Purcell filter. Using …

Alba Torras presented at the Quantum CARLA symposium

On the 26th of April Alba Torras was invited to present at the Quantum CARLA symposium. This yearly symposium is targeted at students …

AVaQus Collaboration meeting held in Benasque

The AVaQus Collaboration held their first in-person meeting on the 20th of April at the Centro de Ciencias Pedro Pascual in Benasque …

IFAE members organized the first Benasque Spring School on Superconducting Qubits Technology

IFAE members David López-Núñez, Fabian Zwiehoff, and Pol Forn-Díaz organized the first Spring School on Superconducting Qubits …

New article on methods to reduce the cosmic muon flux in superconducting qubit experiments

We propose and demonstrate two mitigation methods to attenuate the cosmic muon flux compatible with experiments involving …

Three members of QCT presented at the APS March Meeting 2023

The annual APS March Meeting welcomes a diverse international community of over 10,000 scholars to celebrate the frontiers of physics. …

QCT group awarded two projects from national funds

The QCT group has recently received funding from two national programs to fund its activities in the coming 3 years. The first project …

Students from the Quantum Science & Technology Master visit IFAE

On 28th of September 2022 the students from the Quantum Science & Technology Master visited the IFAE laboratories.

David Lopez presents a poster at SQA conference in Finland

On 27th of June 2022 the QCT lab presented its newest achivements during the poster session of the SQA conference held in Finland. …

Congratulations to Queralt Portell for successfully defending her bachelor thesis

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group congratulates with Queralt Portell, who succesfully defended her Bachelor’s thesis …

We welcome our new summer intern - Juan Jiménez

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) welcomes a new intern student for the …

Posters presented at the QUANTUMatter 2022 conference in Barcelona

On Tuesday 21, June 2022 the QCT lab presented its newest achivements during the poster session of the QUANTUMatter 2022 International …

The QCT lab featured in the TV program "El cazador de cerebros"

On Monday 3, May 2022 the TV program “El Cazador de cerebros” broadcasted in La2 of the Spanish National Television. The chapter …

We offer support for our ukranian colleagues

We would like to offer support to researchers conducting their work in Ukraine that saw their projects disrupted to continue their work …

Summer internship position now open in the Quantum Computing Lab

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) offers a one month internship in the …

Postdoctoral position in fabrication of Superconducting Quantum bits

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) and the Institute of Microelectronics of …

First observation of superconducting flux qubit in the QCT lab

The QCT group has observed the first superconducting flux qubit in the experimental setup at IFAE. This is a milestone for the group. …

David López Núñez delivers a talk to catalan students about quantum technologies

As part of the 2021 BIST Conference and this year’s Setmana de la Ciència, the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology brought …

Pol Forn-Díaz gives an invited talk at BIST Conference 2021

Pol Forn-Díaz presented a talk and participated in a discussion panel on the 2021 BIST Conference of Quantum technologies: Present and …

"How do you make a quantum computer?" at ERN 2021!

As every year, at the end of September, the European Researchers’ Night events help to spread fundamental concepts of …

Carla Caro Villanova has won the EUCYS 1st prize!

Carla Caro Villanova earned the first place in the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) 2021, thanks to her project …

New Bachelor student in our group

We welcome Ariadna Gómez del Pulgar, from Universitat de Barcelona in our group. Ariadna is doing her Bachelor thesis in …

New article about transmission spectra of the driven, dissipative Rabi model in the USC regime

We present theoretical transmission spectra of a strongly driven, damped, flux qubit coupled to a dissipative resonator in the …

Plassys evaporator installed

This month, we have finally installed our brand-new Plassys evaporator. With it, our lab can be considered completed. We are able to do …

New Post-Doc arrived

This month, Elia Bertoldo started working in our group as post-doc. He completed his bachelor and master in Italy, then he did his PhD …

XXXII Certamen Jóvenes Investigadores award

High-school student Carla Caro Villanova recently got awarded the first prize of the competition XXXII Certamen Jóvenes Investigadores …

Second dilution refrigerator installed

Since the installation of the first dilution refrigerator did not pass much time. Nonetheless, our group prepared the laboratory for …

Latest batch of PhD students arrived

This week the latest batch of newcomers arrived and started working in our group. Hence, we welcome aboard Alba Torras and Luca …

Construction of the new QCT lab completed

We are pleased to announce that the constructions for the new Quantum Computing Lab (QCL) have been completed! After a preliminary …

New PhD student Boris

We welcome the new PhD student and “la Caixa” fellow Boris Nedyalkov to our team. Boris holds a BSc in Physics from Sofia …

Postdoctoral position on Quantum Annealing

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) in Barcelona offers a postdoctoral …

PhD position on Quantum Annealing

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) in Barcelona offers a PhD position …

Prestigious Ramón y Cajal fellowship awarded

We congratulate our group leader, Dr. Pol Forn-Díaz , on receving the prestigious Ramón y Cajal fellowship by the Spanish Ministries of …

Celebration of Quantic's birthday

Despite the current situation due to COVID-19, which unfortunately did not allow for everyone’s attendance, we recently …

Begin of Summer Internships

We welcome aboard our this year’s summer interns , Queralt and Raquel, who already started working on their research projects. …

New Project Management Assistance

We are pleased to welcome Sara Martínez de Salinas Uzquiza to our growing family. Sara joins IFAE’s Project Management Unit to …

IFAE Summer Fellowships available

For the 5th time, IFAE offers, through its Summer Fellowship Programme, 12 undergraduate students the possibility to work on a …

Start of the European QuantERA project SiUCs

This month marks the official start the European project SiUCs (Superinductor-based Quantum Technologies with Ultrastrong Couplings), …

FET-open project AVaQuS to develop coherent quantum annealers

Our group was succesfully granted the coordination of the project AVaQus (Annealing-based VAriational QUantum processorS), one of 49 …

Open position as Project Manager Assistant

The newly established Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) in Barcelona is …

Postdoctoral position on Ultrastrong Coupling with Superinductors

The newly established Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) in Barcelona offers a …

Visit of Ioan Pop and Frank Wilhelm

This week, we had two visitors from Germany at IFAE. On Tuesday, February 18, Ioan Pop from KIT gave a talk on “Ionizing …

New Master student from Grenoble

Today, we welcome Barkay Guttel from Université Grenoble Alpes onboard. He is joining our team to work on superconducting qubits for …

We are online!

Hello world! This is the first post of our new group website. Feel free to explore while more content will be added continuously.