QCT group awarded two projects from national funds

The QCT group has recently received funding from two national programs to fund its activities in the coming 3 years. The first project NESQQ (Nanofabrication-Enhanced Superconducting Qubit Quality) is funded through the ‘Plan Complementario’ from the EU NextGen funds. The project is part of a larger-scale program on Quantum Communications led by ICFO. NESQQ will aim at improving qubit quality by intensive fabrication efforts, both studying the addition of novel materials as well as by modifications of the qubit device structure. This project will be run in collaboration with IMB-CNM-CSIC via the researcher Dr. Gemma Rius, an active collaborator of the QCT group. The second project ICRQ (Interaction of Cosmic Radiation with Qubits) is a coordinated project led by the QCT group in collaboration with IMB-CNM-CSIC and the LSC underground lab at Canfranc. ICRQ aims at studying the effects of cosmic radiation on qubits and the methods to mitigate them. The project is a first step towards building extremely sensitive detectors based on qubit technology for particle physics experiments.

Elia Bertoldo
Post-Doc at IFAE
