New publication of the QCT!

In this paper , the authors from the QCT group Elia Bertoldo, Manel Martínez and Pol Forn-Díaz present two approaches for cosmic muon flux attenuation during superconducting qubit measurement. First, they discuss the usage of shallow underground measurement stations to achieve an attenuation of a factor of 35 for 100-meter depths. On the other hand, they also study the impact of chip orientation with respect to the sky, from which they conclude that horizontal orientations receive less energetic particles than vertical configurations. The combination of both strategies will help to attenuate this source of decoherence in superconducting qubits. This work was carried out jointly with researchers from Universidad de Zaragoza, Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc and Université Paris-Saclay.

Ariadna Gómez del Pulgar
PhD student at IFAE
