
David Lopez presents a poster at SQA conference in Finland

On 27th of June 2022 the QCT lab presented its newest achivements during the poster session of the SQA conference held in Finland. David Lopez presented a poster titled “Coherent flux qubits for quantum annealing”. A next milestone in a race for efficent quantum annealing hardware.

Congratulations to Queralt Portell for successfully defending her bachelor thesis

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group congratulates with Queralt Portell, who succesfully defended her Bachelor’s thesis on the London penetration depth in thin aluminum layers. Queralt focused on the fabrication of superconducting resonators and the analysis of the samples. We congratulate her and wish her best of luck in the future!

We welcome our new summer intern - Juan Jiménez

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) welcomes a new intern student for the this summer - Juan Jiménez. Juan is currently completing his bachelors degree in physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He will be working on signal processing and experimental setups for various quantum measurements.

Posters presented at the QUANTUMatter 2022 conference in Barcelona

On Tuesday 21, June 2022 the QCT lab presented its newest achivements during the poster session of the QUANTUMatter 2022 International Conference held in Barcelona. Luca Cozzolino presented a poster on the measurement and design of flux qubits to be used for quantum annealing. Alba Torras-Coloma presented her work on the ultrastrong coupling regime in superconducting circuits employing superinductors. Finally, Elia Bertoldo prepared a poster on the preparation of an experimental setup to measure superconducting qubits in the underground laboratory of Canfranc.

The QCT lab featured in the TV program "El cazador de cerebros"

On Monday 3, May 2022 the TV program “El Cazador de cerebros” broadcasted in La2 of the Spanish National Television. The chapter focused on young students and had the title “Los Cerebros del Futuro”. The program includes an interview with Carla Caro, a former high school student and participant in the Bojos per la Física program that did a project with the QCT group at IFAE. David López-Núñez also appears in the show.

We offer support for our ukranian colleagues

We would like to offer support to researchers conducting their work in Ukraine that saw their projects disrupted to continue their work in our group in Barcelona. We can offer logistic support, travel, accommodation and all necessary research facilities at our reach. We are an experimental group but we welcome theoretical researchers as well. We are participating in a global effort of labs supporting Ukranian scientists . If you know any Ukranian researchers at the Masters, PhD and/or postdoctoral level working on quantum physics, quantum computing, superconductivity, please tell them to contact us.

Summer internship position now open in the Quantum Computing Lab

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) offers a one month internship in the context of IFAE’s 7th Summer Internship initiative IFAE’s offcial webpage . The aim of this one-month stay is to become the first step of University students research career. Participants will have the opportunity to discover the real life of a scientist working side by side with QCT researchers. This programme is valuable complement to your physics education.

Postdoctoral position in fabrication of Superconducting Quantum bits

The Quantum Computing Technologies (QCT) group at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) and the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) offer a joint postdoctoral position within the project Nanofabrication-Enhanced Superconducting Qubit Quality (NESQQ), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Project NESQQ aims at the improvement of superconducting qubit quality by combining nanofabrication and noise filtering techniques. The project will look at improving qubit coherence time and parameter reproducibility by reduction of on-chip microscopic flux and charge noise following state-of-the-art nanolithography and processing techniques.

First observation of superconducting flux qubit in the QCT lab

The QCT group has observed the first superconducting flux qubit in the experimental setup at IFAE. This is a milestone for the group. The chip was designed at IFAE and manufactured in Glasgow as part of the AVaQus Collaboration. The group will soon characterize the qubit spectrum and lifetime. The image shows the unequivocal sign of the presence of a superconducting qubit. The horizontal line is the resonance frequency of the resonator that is used to measure the qubit.

David López Núñez delivers a talk to catalan students about quantum technologies

As part of the 2021 BIST Conference and this year’s Setmana de la Ciència, the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology brought together more than 1400 students from 44 schools across Catalonia to learn about quantum technologies.