Completed Projects

We acknowledge funding for the following completed projects

  • “Programa Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de Catalunya” , 2020 DI 41; 2020 DI 42. PI: P. Forn-Díaz . Company: Qilimanjaro. Tutor: Ramiro Sagastizabal. Logos

  • Severo Ochoa IFAE, SEV-2016-0588. PI: M. Martínez Excelencia Severo Ochoa

  • “la Caixa” Foundation Junior Group Leader, project “Superconducting Unit Cell Coherent Quantum Annealer”, LCF/BQ/PR19/11700009. PI: P. Forn-Díaz La Caixa Foundation

  • MIT International Science and Technology Initiative Seed Fund – “la Caixa” Foundation, project “Multi-Qubit Couplings in Superconducting Quantum Circuits”. PI: P. Forn-Díaz MIT International Science and Technology Initiative

  • Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project “Computación Cuántica Realista”, FIS2017-89860-P. PI: P. Forn-Díaz Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness